Vision and Strategic Plan
In the fall of 2022, our Head of School and Board of Trustees initiated a schoolwide conversation about strategic vision and direction for St. Michael’s School, above all to help create a stronger community, one that would be more self-aware and have a greater sense of its priorities, goals, and vision.
Through a collaborative effort among Head of School, Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, and parents and students—culminating in a community-wide Visioning Day in January 2023—we formally adopted a shared statement of Vision and a Strategic Plan, ratified by the Board of Trustees in February 2023.
That important planning work in the fall of 2022 also led to a review and refinement of our Statement of Mission, formation of our Core Values, and, as noted, our Strategic Plan and Statement of Vision, “to excel in innovative teaching in a community of wellness, belonging, and joy.”
Each year, with feedback from, and in conversation with, the broader School community, St. Michael’s School reviews its strategic priorities and renews its commitment to this shared vision. For the 2024-2025 academic year, which represents year two of our plan and vision, St. Michael’s has embraced the following strategic initiatives.
Our Year-Two Strategic Initiatives
For more fully living into our core identity and practice as an Episcopal school, we are:
Prominently featuring our statement of Episcopal identity and practice on our new website, emphasizing our commitment to the Church’s covenant of “respecting the dignity of every human being.”
Enhancing classroom learning with age-appropriate service-learning activities that raise awareness of the social issues around us and the ways organizations address these needs.
Issuing revised behavior expectations & student accountability framework in the Parent-Student Handbook, and adhering to these new standards for student behavior.
Adopting The Social Institute’s broad-based SEL curriculum for grades 6, 7, and 8, along with our adapted health and human-sexuality curriculum.
And implementing our formal Community Covenant (based on our Core Values) for LS and US, signed by each student and integrated / supported through chapel and Mass.
For becoming a diverse community of wellness and belonging, we are:
Continuing to support the work of a full-time school counselor.
Renewing, expanding opportunities for parent-family community engagement and volunteerism through a newly branded PTO called the Soaring Eagles Alliance (SEA).
And continuing to broaden membership and to generate new ideas for Diversity and Inclusion (difference and belonging) through a parent-teacher-staff DEI committee.
For ensuring our teaching & learning empowers new generations of students to navigate their world, we are:
Initiating professional-learning communities (PLC’s) on a variety of topics to enhance teaching & learning and to explore greater innovation.
Refining and implementing a timeline and process for annual curriculum review for all grades and content areas.
And strengthening the annual process for faculty evaluation and professional growth.
And for expanding resources to ensure a sustainable future, we are:
Aiming to increase enrollment to 300 students or better through our Parent Ambassadors program, new website, updated print materials, and increased social-media.
And launching a new website with more information about our people and programs, with a comprehensive section on the work of the Board of Trustees to help improve Board communication.