Comprehensive Strategic Plan 2022-2027
By 2027, St. Michael’s School will excel in innovative teaching and learning in a community of wellness, belonging, and joy.
Our Comprehensive Five-Year Plan
By 2027, St. Michael’s will be fully living into its core identity and practice as an Episcopal school.
STRATEGY To achieve this goal, we will…
- Develop a community-wide shared understanding of what it means for St. Michael’s to be an Episcopal school in Tucson AZ.
- Align school policies, practices, and programs with core values and mission as an Episcopal school.
- Foster a culture of inclusion that honors all faith traditions.
- Expand acts of service, community outreach, and social justice initiatives to include developmentally appropriate curriculum and activities across grade levels.
- Encourage students to nurture their own spiritual growth.
- Cultivate students’ individual responsibility and accountability through enhanced character development programming.
By 2027, St. Michael’s will be a thriving and diverse community of wellness and belonging.
STRATEGY To achieve this goal, we will…
A. Cultivate strong, positive relationships as the foundation of a thriving community.
B. Foster a culture of balance, and care for others and self.
C. Expand and nurture resources and capability to advance the socialemotional health and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and administration.
D. Support and celebrate the broad range of diversity among the students we serve.
E. Build an increasingly diverse community of engagement, empathy, inclusion, and belonging.
F. Amplify awareness and understanding of generational and post-pandemic parenting trends and issues and how they impact student life and learning.
By 2027, St. Michael’s teaching and learning will empower new generations of students to navigate their world.
STRATEGY To achieve this goal, we will…
A. Embrace an increasingly adaptive, relevant, and innovative studentcentered approach to curriculum, instruction, and assessment to establish a foundation for success in high school and the world beyond.
B. Increase student competencies and preparedness in all academic areas including communication, research, and technology.
C. Launch bold initiatives for teacher professional development and enrichment to inspire pedagogical growth and innovation.
D. Implement student support structures and services required to meet students where they are, leverage their strengths, promote engagement and self-advocacy, and nurture a school-wide growth mindset.
E. Enhance after-school extracurricular and summer programming to introduce new experiences for students.
By 2027, St. Michael’s expanded resources will ensure a sustainable future.
STRATEGY To achieve this goal, we will…
A. Attract, develop, support, and retain a diverse and highly qualified faculty and administrative staff.
B. Extend financial health through planned growth in enrollment and retention, fundraising, and non-tuition revenue generation.
C. Improve physical plant to ensure teaching and learning spaces match program quality and demonstrate the school’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
D. Model exemplary independent-school governance.
E. Develop and promote a sustainable and differentiating brand promise consistent with St. Michael’s core Episcopal identity.
F. Expand relationships with families, alumni, and community-based strategic partners.